On Saturday and Sunday, March 16th and 17th KONTEJNER | biro suvremene umjetničke prakse organized three workshops that explored the history, present, and future of the Vjesnik complex and its surroundings through the lenses of architecture, urbanism, sound, and smells.
Three groups of students, guided by artists Miodrag Gladović, Luana Lojić and Mihael Giba, tested a new mobile application for sensitive mapping developed within the Future DiverCities project.
One segment of the workshop focused on creating a collective visual story through a combination of analog and digital techniques, including collaging, drawing, photography, and digital processing tailored to the platform. The leader and mentor of this segment is Mihael Giba.
Under the guidance of Luana Lojić, the smell segment explored the olfactory heritage of the Vjesnik complex and that part of the city through a thematic walk and the collection of inorganic and organic materials.
Led by Miodrag Gladović, the sound environment of the Vjesnik building was explored, and real-time sound processes were created.
Fotografije / Photos: Šimun Bućan Sažmi